_____ as a goat



I have a difficult time putting the following word on paper and screen: wow.

It's one of those words that can be it's own sentence. And if so, capitalizing such a short word to be followed by a period or an exclamation mark just looks wrong.

When you vocalize it you can put clear emphasis on it. Whether it's whispered ("wow") or shouted ("WOW") your brain, or at least mine, sees the format clearly in its solitary word balloon.

But the minute you actually put those letters together, regardless of stress, it just goes goofy and looks dopey.

Maybe I should quit looking at the actual written word as art, and start looking at the forest.



war is the name by which good men do evil.

maybe it's the whisky talking, but jesus, we've done terrible things that we didn't have to do.

but somebody else did something worse first. so we did bad back.

hell is a crowded town.

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