_____ as a goat

my internet hero of the day


seldom does one witness a truly selfless act of altruism and benevolence.

in our faceless and intangible virtual world, this rarity becomes a near absence.

its substitutes: denigration and predation.

but i am delighted to announce that
johnfromphilly is "My Internet Hero of the Day", as awarded for Outstanding Achievement by an Online Forum Participant.

johnfromphilly was well-prepared for his answer to
a message board inquiry, displaying a promptness and succinctness more typically infrequent in emergence. he demonstrated an astounding restraint in his response, as he was well within his rights to assail the OP with cries of "NOOB!" and call out said offender for their inability to RTFM, and most criminally, for ignoring the resident search feature. though his answer was not a direct response, like the one offered by a less-sophisticated poster choosing an approach more accustomed to a mother and her recently-weaned babe, johnfromphilly's contribution was clear and concise. furthermore, while suffused with a curt and blunt subtlety, johnfromphilly cleanly identified his appreciation of an existing answer, consigning all credit to that poster's efforts and knowledge, once again opting to concede his due right to deliver a much warranted inflammatory reply to each then-present contributor.

thus, for his herculean effort to combat ignorance by educating and illuminating, johnfromphilly is deserving of marked recognition among these hallowed, anonymous halls of the worldwide web.

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